Fireside chat with Janney

Join Christine Meginness, Hearsay’s VP Sites Program, and Sarah Kinkead, AVP and Manager of Advisor Marketing & Communication at Janney Montgomery Scott.

What to expect

With Hearsay, Janney has built a robust digital marketing program centered around lead-capture-optimized advisor websites. In this webinar, Sarah will share how her team uses websites to create a powerful digital presence, nurture relationships, and consistently generate quality leads. 

Learn how Janney:

  • Gives advisors creative freedom while minimizing compliance risk
  • Empowers and supports advisors of varying skill levels to achieve website success
  • Achieved a 30% increase in site visitors and page views and a 19% increase in organic inbound traffic

Our speakers

Sarah Kinkead

Christine Meginness

AVP and Manager of Advisor Marketing, Janney 

VP Sites Program, Hearsay Systems

Have questions?